Rules of Application

Applications for financial assistance from the Wispers Trust will only be considered if they meet criterion (1) and one or both of the criteria (2) and (3):

The applicant must be in Years 10-11 (GCSE) or Years 12-13 (A2) of secondary school at the time that the grant is awarded. Wispers Trust seeks to support girls, though in exceptional cases boys may be considered by the Trustees. Applications will only be considered from pupils who live in Greater London, Surrey, Sussex or Hampshire.

The applicant’s education is under threat of interruption due to a bereavement involving a parent or guardian who pays the fees.

The applicant’s education is under threat of interruption due to loss of employment leading to reduced family income due to unforeseen circumstances. (Dismissal from employment on disciplinary grounds will not be considered as a reason for offering financial support.)

The applicants’s current Head will be required to offer a written statement of support to confirm that financial assistance is in the best interests of the applicant in order to complete her secondary education.

Applying for a Grant

To apply for a grant please complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the Application Form:
Application Form
Applications for consideration by the Trustees, for the new academic year, will need to be made by returning all forms by the closing date of 1st March in the preceding year.

Wispers Trust
PO Box 119
GU29 1BH
Wispers Trust, PO Box 119, GU29 1BH

Charity Number: 307039